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Delivered in public metropolitan prisons across Western Australia, the Methamphetamine and Addictions Program is a voluntary group program that helps offenders reduce their risk of drug or alcohol relapse.

About the program

MAP is a 6-week drug and alcohol group program conducted in Karnet, Wooroloo and Bandyup Prisons, with weekly two-hour session that include experiential group discussion, reflection and activities. The aim is to increase awareness of the impact thoughts and feelings have on behaviour and help participants develop skills and strategies to achieve their goals for substance-use reduction or abstinence.

The topics cover a wide range of subjects, including:

  • the effects of alcohol and other drugs on the brain and body
  • values, the motivation to change and goal-setting
  • unhelpful and helpful thinking styles and consequential thinking
  • identifying triggers and emotions and managing cravings and urges
  • refusal skills and relapse prevention
  • creating a lifestyle balance with prosocial activities, boundaries and effective communication.

The Methamphetamine and Addictions Program is delivered in partnership with Cyrenian House. If you would like to know more or enter the program, please ask the Transitional Manager at your prison.


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